Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why not blame the Government?

There are occasions that we will hear 'thinking' people discuss amongst themselves regarding who is to be blamed - either for the malady that is currently besetting Malaysia or for some problems that a section of the population is suffering from.

Of course, one side will say that it is the people who brought problems upon themselves really. While others may say it is the government who is to be blamed.This issue is quite easy to resolve actually. Take for example, a father who gambles away his salary then goes home to blame his wife for not having food on the table, cares not the well being of his children then the blame falls squarely on that man's shoulders. Consider a man who goes out to sea in his little boat to catch some fish and after selling his catches still find difficulty in feeding his family and schooling his kids then surely someone authority needs to be questioned if not blamed!

The monsoon cup has a organisation budget of RM250 million. A small fishing boat costing about RM25 thousand would have been made available to 10,000 fishermen. If we add up the numbers, 3 years of hosting the Monsoon Cup could have given each of the 10,000 fishermen 1 RM25K boat each and RM20K cash over 2 years to support their earnings.

But apparently, to prioritise the social welfare of the poorer group in a community isn't as glamorous as having a world class high-end sports regatta for some leaders. And so we see from time to time photo opportunity visits by so-called caring leaders to the poor and under-priviliged at their derelict houses. When a wave of the magic wand could have built the poor family a proper house, this is replaced by a few bags of rice and a hamper of goodies. Again, it seems changing dramatically to better living for the poor peasants is not good philosophy lest these people become too dependent on the government. And so year after year, we find photo-ops splashing the front pages of national tabloids with happy smiles of the poor still in their derelict homes.

In the meantime, the show goes on! We build RM250 thousand holiday villas to greet our foreign guests while our own 'rakyat' carry on with their mundane, sorry life gazing at the fast yachts that zoom across the sea in front of them.

Ordinary people needs ordinary government - a government that can provide them shelter, a chance to earn a living and a better future. If people should take care of themselves than why bother having a government? What good are all the hype and grandious buildings if the people can have no taste of it? Yeah, why not blame the government BUT first blame yourself for letting it all happen!


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