Thursday, April 3, 2008

Re-inventing UMNO?

Looking at what has transpired since the 8 March GE one cannot help but wonder what will happen to UMNO in the next say 10 years? For now, MCA and MIC are all but forgotten - memories of an past era. The convenience of multi-racial harmony via political 'kow-towing' amongst the elite of the major races have now shown to be an old formula. The young no longer understands nor appreciates that old theme song. Its like telling them that John Wayne was a comboy hero in those days or that Henry Fonda was a good actor. WHO? Ya,well - I wouldn't blame you if you not aware of the names I've mentioned.

Talking about UMNO, well its not the original UMNO actually that we are witnessing the collapse of. That happened earlier actually, when Ku Li challenged the legality of Dr.M presidency that he won by a few tens of votes. So the original UMNO had already 'died' after the High Court declared it's proceedings 'Null and Void' and consequently was de-registered. So it would not come as a surprise if the UMNO Baru (New UMNO) was also to slowly wither away in the nite some days ahead.

The nature of the jostling and in-figthing amongst the privileged in UMNO had only deepened their apathy of the principle article of UMNO's existence i.e. to uphold and protect the Malay interest and independence. Instead, most had only their own interest in the front and how they did it was to make almost the entire Malay race in Malaysia dependent people. They 'feed' the minds of the majority of the Malay population with likes of 'Akademi Fantasia', 'One-in-Million','Mentor' and 'Konsert Sure Heboh'. Behind the scene, they were busy storing away their ill-gotten spoils.

Big corporations allegedly for the many to share its fruits only ended up in the hands of a few whose greed surpassed even Qarun, the infamous hoarder of wealth during the Pharaoh's time. The kampung folks are no more than useful voters during election time and their excuse for carrying on the positive discrimination policy for the Malay poor. And yet 50 years on, there's still plenty of sad stories of these poor people. Apparently, nothing can be done to help them - the Billions of Petronas oil dollars had to go elsewhere, the might of the once tiger economy now has no more growl, the God-given riches of the country were plundered - all in all if you're a poor Malay or otherwise, its not their problem!

As to the question, can UMNO re-invent itself, I think they can't! They had 50 years to proof their worth and after the recent GE clearly even the Malays don't believe in them anymore. They only help themselves and not so much others. I don't think they have anything worthwhile anymore to offer - the race card is no longer the 'Boogeyman', they are known to be dishonest, they lie, they cheat, they bully, they steal and now they don't even respect the Malay rulers.

I believe UMNO (this UMNO) will die in 10 years! Come next election 2 or 3 more states will fall to the Rakyat and without the postal votes, the Federal Government will also change!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Constitutional Monarch - The Sultan

I have to admit that I am no expert in constitutional law. More rightly, I don't know much about Kingship or Sultanate either. But this I know, in Malaysia the Agong is the Supreme Authority in the country. The Agong acts on the advise of the government (Prime Minister) if he so pleases. In the state where the same royalty is also the Sultan then he and he alone has absolute final authority - advise or no advise!

Once there were days when the rakyat trembled at this authoritarian concept where Sultans does as he pleases often to the detriment of the rakyat. Now in 2008, Malaysia is seeing a wave of change in the royalty's attitude. Praise be to God who has guided them - Perak, Perlis, Kedah, Selangor and now Terengganu. These Sultans have taken into account the rakyat pitting themselves against the ever arrogant albeit less-intelligent so-called Malay party called UMNO.

It is really funny that when it serves them (UMNO) they will manipulate even extract every ounce of support to uphold the royal houses. Suddenly, when they find themselves being out-outmaneuvered, they throw tantrums like little kids. Huh, would you really believe that the 22 BN/UMNO representatives supported Idris Jusoh out of sincerity - Ha,Ha,Ha! Do they really think that the rakyat are a stupid lot and can only read the alphabet?! I am really amazed at the audacity of those people!

Terengganu is a rich state and who so ever presides over its richness will bring heaven and earth to try and keep it in his hands. Today, Idris Jusoh is crying over spilled milk - when he had the chance to do good for the people of Terengganu he opted to do the Monsoon Cup Regatta, the Hadhari Village, the Islamic Park - most of which had no bearing on improving the lives of those he should have cared about. Throwing a few crumbs here and there while taking off with the bulk of the proceeds from Petronas (wang ehsan) is a surefire way of losing one's position. But that he did and now he has (lost!) Boo,hoo - serves them all right!

For the AG to say that the Agong cannot meddle in the affairs of his state is another unthinkable paradox - the Supreme Power in the country cannot(?) have a say in his state. The Agong need only whisper to his son and all shall be done - what is so difficult to understand? You know, I don't think its such a bad idea to just dissolve the Terengganu State assembly and re-do the election and let the people kick the 22 BN councilors to kingdom come - then they can boycott the MB swearing in ceremony - the fools!


Last but not least - DAULAT TUANKU!!!
Please do what is best for the state and also the nation - if there need to be a change of the federal government, what can we humans do, its all God's will! And God only want what is best for His creations!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Politikus gila kuasa - BN BA sama!

Posted for a friend:

Bukan Melayu saja mudah lupa - rupanya Cina DAP pun sama saja. Bila Kit Siang tunjuk garang bantah keputusan Sultan Perak dia sebenarnya LUPA pada 'Barisan Rakyat' - ala orang biasa macam kita yang susah payah undi untuk mencari pembaharuan. Sikit pun dia tak ingat, dia kira dia saja. Menyampah! Meluat! Buat penat saja orang lain sokong - macam la depa tu tera sangat!

Ni 'Malaysia Today' cerita PAS Hassan Ali cuba 'nego'dgn Khir Toyo sebab dia teringin jadi MB. Tu pun sorang lagi - MELUAT! Betul2 la kepala masam. Kira perut dia sorang juga! Perjuang politikus2 tu semua yang betuinya hanyalah untuk cari tempat, cari pengaruh, cari kuasa dan akhirnya cari peluang untuk temolok depa saja. Entah betul ke tidak 'Seman Kati'pulak kata Nizar PAS Perak pun cuba pekena PKR - tak tau ler kut2 media BN saja nak laga2 kan mereka semua tapi kalau dah tak berapa setuju untuk perjuang Rakyat memang ler 'musuh'cari peluang!

Dari bacaan komen2 dari blog2 ada, rasanya orang2 muda tak lagi kisah pasal agenda lapuk Kit Siang dan geng2 Melayu, Cina, India- yang sewaktu dengan dia. Perkembangan ini aku kira baik sebab masa depan Malaysia adalah hak orang2 muda pun - bukan lagi hak geng2 lanjut usia yang rumah pun dah suruh pergi!

Ada satu blogger tu kata Umnoputra tu termasuk VK Lingam dan Vincent Tan! Betul juga tu - tak terfikir plak aku sebelum ini. Ya tak ya - kata saja DEB untuk Melayu - yang kaya geng depa saja. Tidak takkan ler selama 50 tahun depa duk lawan lahap apa harta yang bumi Malaysia ada! Macam dalam cerita P.Ramlee "Nujum pak Belalang" - penyamun dua orang duk berbahagi harta - satu untuk kau, satu untuk aku - dua untuk kau tiga untuk aku....!! Yang susah rakyat jugak!

Tak heranlah bila ramai dari kalangan rakyat Melayu, Cina dan India yang kecewa dengan perangai 'bodoh' Parti yang menang ni (nak kata pembangkang depa dah menang - nak kata kerajaan - perkara yang kecik2 pun berkelahi siang malam. Bodoh! Bodoh! Bila orang kata hangpa tak reti memerintah - oh, bukan main pandai jawab - dak aih, bagi kami peluang 5 tahun tengok - kami boleh aih! Kepala hotak depa! Nak duduk semeja pun payah - nak perintah orang konon! Nasib la kita rakyat nak bagi peluang juga - patutnya kita terajang buang yang kerepok2 tu - bagi kat orang muda sudah tapi jangan ler muda sangat. Guan Eng tu dah gelojoh sangat - malam ni jugak nak tukar semua!

Yang betuinya 080308 adalah tarikh keramat kerana dari tarikh itu, BN sudah nampak kelemahan baju besi( Armor) nya! Sebesar2 BN dan sekuat2 jentera BN pun boleh kalah jugak. Sapa sangka - yang menang pun tak sangka tapi malangnya bila dah dapat awai sungguh depa lupa kat RAKYAT!

Aku pun dah pening - tak bagi peluang rasa nak bagi - dah bagi depa buat perangai beruk dapat bunga! Kita pakat mintak ler Tuhan pelihara kemenangan rakyat ni!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Malaysia - A Bloodless Coup


Truly, God has been very kind to Malaysia and Malaysian. When all other nations had to shed some blood if not a lot to gain independence, Malaya got hers by agreement of the then colonial masters, the British.



Once again, the Malaysian people had gained what they had been yearning for so long - the right to heard the right way! Had they not tell the ruling government then that they (the Government) was veering off-course and that the protection of they cronies and mis-behaved ministers, parliamentarians and officers were a bit too much!


The people asked, pleaded, begged even cried but to no avail. Apparently, 'they' were on-top and you little people are just 'dust' on their shoes. Those arrogant 'elected' representative took advantage of the privilege to serve the ordinary man only to serve himself and his kind. While the people suffered their own these 'big-heads' made tons of money, built majestic castles, drove expensive cars and basically laughed at the stupid people who voted them.

What goes round comes around! HA,HA,HA - who has the laugh now? I promise you, they should never ever again get any support from us the people - those lying, thieving bunch of opportunists. What we must now do is further reduce their strength and finally just shut them down!


Never underestimate the people's power - especially not those who had been victimised by one way or another. God will surely grant the prayers who had been wronged! And what a huge number that was - really! Malaysia is a rich country with so many natural resources and reserves and yet why has so little been given to the masses?

March 8, 2008 is the day of the bloodless coup - the day the ordinary people of all races voted to deny 2/3 majority to the next BN federal government - a warning that next time the people can deny even more than that!

What the people ask is so simple - just be fair to us - the RAKYAT!
PLEASE don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal and finally don't be cruel!


Friday, February 29, 2008

GAZA - The New Holocaust

The sufferings of the Palestinian People particularly those in Gaza is not some fairy-tale in some far away land. The injustice and oppression they are shouldering is not mere arab propaganda versus zionist politics. Ordinary people just you and I, just like of us all - human beings - are dying, maimed or traumatised by the daily incidences of 'no-peace' and 'no-safety'.

But on reflection, we know deep down in our hearts that those people in Gaza are not ordinary people like us really. They are much more stronger, braver and spiritually better than us because we could never bear the pain, losses and sufferings that they carry. How we would cower low if a huge fully armed tank came rolling down our path? These people instead stand and throw pebbles or stones at that tanks. Imagine how we would tremble if a loaded automatic rifle was pointed at our heads. The children of Gaza just look back at the soldiers pointing those rifles! How shattered we would be if we lost all our family members to an air strike or artillery shelling? These people bury their dead and carry on living their pitiful life.

Bette Midler sang "God is watching us..." but I wonder how many of us really care. But someday, God with all His Might will rain down His Fury upon, not only on the State of Israel, but also on all of us for letting the brutality, cruelty and inhumane actions take place in our lifetime in front of our eyes! Everything we do on this earth has impact on the rest of us. That is the way things are - kill a butterfly here and some earthquake happens somewhere. Do a good deed there and good things come to you here. Laugh if you want - disbelieve in the mysterious way God moves and the way He has ordained things to be. But the new holocaust is here - in Gaza!

To the struggle of the oppressed and the dominated, the following pictures speak louder than words. Hopefully, those who see them will reflect and ponder how we all had let the atrocities happened?






Numbers don’t lie

“The majority of these [Palestinian] children were killed and injured while going about normal daily activities, such as going to school, playing, shopping, or simply being in their homes. Sixty-four percent of children killed during the first six months of 2003 died as a result of Israeli air and ground attacks, or from indiscriminate fire from Israeli soldiers.”
- Catherine Cook

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kosovo, Cuba, Pakistan... what about Malaysia?

Today's news are quite interesting. Three countries at different places on this earth - each having their own implications and repercussions. Three different men whose fate are intermingled with the history of their countrymen and country. That is life really - change after change but change there must be. It may take a few months or years or even centuries but change will someday occur!

Kosovo declared her independence - Hashim Thaci, a former guerrilla leader is now prime minister of a new state - much to the dismay of Serbia and Russia. Well, I do hope Serbia won't lash out (again) as it did against Bosnia and Croatia. I do hope they have learnt not to be cruel again.

Fidel Castro has finally resigned as President of Cuba. Years of rhetoric, assassination attempts and bitter words from the United States did not waver this man's resolve in his beliefs. But at last, the 'old enemy' is really getting old and is no longer able to fight the 'oppressors'. Regardless of what the West might say, I think Castro will be remembered for standing up against the imperialist West, not only by socialists and communists but ordinary people whose countries are now 'killing fields' compliments of the greatest democracy in the world!

Over to you Chavez ...!

Pakistan long awaited election closed their polling stations today and the opposition is set to form a government. There's still deals to be made though but nonetheless, a change is expected not only by Pakistanis but also by the rest of the World! Pevez Musharaf will face a tough time hanging on but who knows what will happen. You can never read the minds of the politicians - power and compromise are not two separate things in politics. Once again, there will be changes - one way or another!

And what about Malaysia? ... first of all, where is Malaysia? For those who never had any geography in their school curriculum or thought south-east asia is Vietnam, please see map below. You can get there easily - really!

Well, March 8, 2008 will see the 12th General Election for Malaysia. The 'people' are itching for some changes. Will that ever happen? We shall see that on the nite of March 8. You see, itching is one thing but going all out to scratch the itch is another. Some will say don't scratch because it will only spread the germs. Others will say scratching will break the skin and cause infection. And so some people will not scratch an itch but instead they will put some medicated cream and hope the itch will disappear. Some say, the election is a foregone conclusion, the election day is just to rubber-stamp an already ready cabinet. But who will be the next Prime Minister - well lets pretend we don't know!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Elections - Changing America, Maintaining Malaysia

This year is interesting for the Americans because it is election year. At last, those who had to bear the 'gung-ho','awe and shock' style of Mr.Bush will see him go by default. A new President is sure to take his place. So far, it seems Mr.Obama will have to face Mr.McCain (yes, I'm leaning towards Mr.Obama because he's talking of change - No offence Mdm.Hillary but you're from the old school!)

The American election is an event - it's long and hard. The candidates face an arduous journey After all it is a big country and it does have impacts not only on the Americans but also the rest of the world. So I suppose the election process do need to be longdrawn as it is.

This year Malaysian will also go to the polls. It is a short affair. Bing, Bang Wham - it'll all be over in 2 weeks! Before the opposition can even say 'WAIT!' Barisan Nasional, the ruling party will be back in Parliment plotting out 'Billion Ringgits' projects to dispense for the 'people'. No, the ordinary people who's only concern is to survive but the 'people' who gave support and pledges to maintain the status quo of the Nation - where the richer gets richer and the poor, well, they can do what they can with the crumbs that fall along the way.

Once again, the transparency of the election will not be compromised either in America or in Malaysia. Whilst the Americans still 'hide' the ballot papers, Malaysian will be able to see the ballot papers through the new 'transparent' (literally) ballot boxes. And so the people (this time, I mean the simple village folks) will be proud that their electable government have been very transparent! After all, how much more transparent can you get - please don't expect the election commission workers to go about only in their undies to prove transparency. Nor should the PM and this ministers be 'naked' just to prove to the nation or the world that they have nothing to hide!

After all, transparency is not always good you see. Take for example, the waste bins. would you really want to see the stuff that goes in there (see picture below). You'll agree that sometimes, things are better hidden than seen. The same goes for governmental policies - the public wouldn't want to see all the dirty linen and wrangling that goes into making policy or law - just leave it to those who'll keep your interest (2%) in mind while they bare the consequences (98%) of their actions.

The Parliment house is a sanctuary for vested interest and greedy people - in the name of race, religion, culture, social and whatever else, rules, regulations, statutes and laws are passed! The future there only last for 5 years or less. Nothing else matters really - they say they're doing their best and why shouldn't we believe them. After all, how much massing of wealth can they do in 5 years? They're doing their best! Really!

And so, this is election year. There will be tears - of sadness and joy - maybe of equal amount. Those who yearn for change will see the same coming back. And those who wants to keep things as it is will probably see a change in how things are done. Who are you voting? All the best to you and I mean it!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Nothing Special for Malaysians

Looking at the recent past, there appear to be little to look forward to as ordinary Malaysians. The rich will get richer and the poor will still struggle to be less deprived. Those in power will do their best to remain in power. The under privileged will continue to have lesser still.

Reading from the blogs around, we find that some Chinese Malaysians are preparing to leave the country if 'things' gets worse - of course these would be the already affluent group of the race. The poorer Chinese will still have carry on the daily struggle and hope the political party they support will one day ensure a better life for them.

The Indians had their moment in history - suing the British Government for Trillions of ringgit, getting world news headlines via the Hindraf issue. Sammy Vellu will still hold on to power.

The Malays won't be reaslising that their days are numbered - they are still split now three or four ways - politicaly, socially, religiously and philosophically. The ruling UMNO thrives on the ignorance of the rural Malays while the religious PAS find themselves bobbing between being labeled extremist and modernist. PKR Malays are apologist - trying to pacify everyone from the east, west, north and south.

As a nation who started off quite well in the early days now find itself being relegated to post developing, lost in direction, 3rd world country yet again. While the price of oil is at one of its highest in history, little of that can be translated to better living for the country's citizen. As one of the biggest producers of palm oil in the world, not having any for domestic use is simply stupid!

Presidency of OIC and NAM is more of burden rather than a plus nowadays. No one benefits from such lame leadership NOT EVEN Malaysia.

As far as world focus goes, so far almost all the news have been about scandals, bad policing, poor management and shameful scams. As the world becomes more and more a global village, there isn't much here in Malaysia if you're an ordinary citizen. The fear is will Malaysia too get herself listed with Myanmar for democracy, Zimbabwe for inflation, America for justice and Colombia for freedom? But for some, standing tall alongside America's style of say-one-thing-and-do-the-opposite isn't so bad really.

Nobody listens to the little people anyway! RIGHT GEORGE?