Thursday, November 15, 2007

Marching For Freedom




History is a great teacher. Those that forget history are bound to repeat the mistakes that were.

Living in denial is a state of mind that is delusional. Doing reform even if you are the government do not make one weak but actually brings about credibility and respect. Shunning away from reforming a 'diseased' institution does not make one 'stronger' in the eyes of the world. Instead, it reaffirms the notion that what exist is neither good nor worthy of support!

The following blog page has summarised this issue quite elegantly:

Monday, November 12, 2007

memoirs from kampung 1

Before we go forward into the future lets just recap the a little bit of the past. The images we saw on Al Jazeera is almost unbelievably. Did it really happened in MY country? was the after-thought at the end of the day. Somehow, there's this deep sad feeling that began to overcome my being. Just like the dark clouds that gather for the storm, the 'sunshine' of peaceful Malaysia was unexpectedly blocked out by this sadness. I never thought it would ever happened but it did, it really did!

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! I don't think I'm passing too harsh a judgment to those in power. These are just ordinary people who wanted to be heard, to show solidarity - what is so wrong with that? Doing what they (the government of the day) did will only entrench not only for those who were present but those who witness it all, that the Government only cared for itself!

There is no longer any Malay agenda - that actually was lost somewhere between the Parliment and Putrajaya. What's left is the politicians wanting the rakyat to keep them in power so that they (the politicians) can usurp more from this blessed land. After all, did not the leaders of that Malay party tell the Malays for several years now:

i) Please don't expect any more subsidies from the government
ii) Please don't expect anymore quotas for their children in the Universities
iii) Please don't expect anymore jobs with government agencies

The fact is, the 'little' people, those that have no connections or friends in high places or personally know any 'bigshots', had long ago fended for themselves. Its just that most of them don't realised it so! Anyway, as far as the manifesto goes,

'Elect us and watch us take most things away from you but don't blame us for it!We're here for ourselves and we need you little people to keep us on. Ha,ha!'

Just in case everybody has forgotten what it was like, let us just look at the images of our before and now.

So what's my point you ask? Well, my dear Malaysians, some of us are still living in the old images you see here. Who's looking out for them? Apparently, they do it themselves.

The success of a country is not measured by the modernity of its infrastructure but by the equality of its people to taste basic needs and rights. Somehow, the events of recent days don't seem to point in the right direction. There is this nagging feeling that its not getting better anytime soon!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

10 November 2007 - The day for the people!!

Yesterday tens of thousands of ordinary Malaysians made their stand. It was the beginning of a new future. This blog is dedicated to the future of Malaysia and Malaysian, young and old whatever your race, religion or culture.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step!
A journey of a lifetime starts with the first second!

The future beckons ... everyone needs a future ... and we have to make it ourselves!

Life changing events happens everyday for someone somewhere ... for Malaysia it was on the 1oth November 2007!

Truth and Justice will one day prevail!

You can fool some of the people all of the time
and all of the people some of the time.
But not all of the people all the time!

(wrongly attributed to) Abraham Lincoln

you can read it here:

but nevertheless, it is a good reminder for those in power!