Thursday, February 14, 2008
Elections - Changing America, Maintaining Malaysia
This year is interesting for the Americans because it is election year. At last, those who had to bear the 'gung-ho','awe and shock' style of Mr.Bush will see him go by default. A new President is sure to take his place. So far, it seems Mr.Obama will have to face Mr.McCain (yes, I'm leaning towards Mr.Obama because he's talking of change - No offence Mdm.Hillary but you're from the old school!)
The American election is an event - it's long and hard. The candidates face an arduous journey After all it is a big country and it does have impacts not only on the Americans but also the rest of the world. So I suppose the election process do need to be longdrawn as it is.
This year Malaysian will also go to the polls. It is a short affair. Bing, Bang Wham - it'll all be over in 2 weeks! Before the opposition can even say 'WAIT!' Barisan Nasional, the ruling party will be back in Parliment plotting out 'Billion Ringgits' projects to dispense for the 'people'. No, the ordinary people who's only concern is to survive but the 'people' who gave support and pledges to maintain the status quo of the Nation - where the richer gets richer and the poor, well, they can do what they can with the crumbs that fall along the way.
Once again, the transparency of the election will not be compromised either in America or in Malaysia. Whilst the Americans still 'hide' the ballot papers, Malaysian will be able to see the ballot papers through the new 'transparent' (literally) ballot boxes. And so the people (this time, I mean the simple village folks) will be proud that their electable government have been very transparent! After all, how much more transparent can you get - please don't expect the election commission workers to go about only in their undies to prove transparency. Nor should the PM and this ministers be 'naked' just to prove to the nation or the world that they have nothing to hide!
After all, transparency is not always good you see. Take for example, the waste bins. would you really want to see the stuff that goes in there (see picture below). You'll agree that sometimes, things are better hidden than seen. The same goes for governmental policies - the public wouldn't want to see all the dirty linen and wrangling that goes into making policy or law - just leave it to those who'll keep your interest (2%) in mind while they bare the consequences (98%) of their actions.
The Parliment house is a sanctuary for vested interest and greedy people - in the name of race, religion, culture, social and whatever else, rules, regulations, statutes and laws are passed! The future there only last for 5 years or less. Nothing else matters really - they say they're doing their best and why shouldn't we believe them. After all, how much massing of wealth can they do in 5 years? They're doing their best! Really!
And so, this is election year. There will be tears - of sadness and joy - maybe of equal amount. Those who yearn for change will see the same coming back. And those who wants to keep things as it is will probably see a change in how things are done. Who are you voting? All the best to you and I mean it!
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