Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kosovo, Cuba, Pakistan... what about Malaysia?

Today's news are quite interesting. Three countries at different places on this earth - each having their own implications and repercussions. Three different men whose fate are intermingled with the history of their countrymen and country. That is life really - change after change but change there must be. It may take a few months or years or even centuries but change will someday occur!

Kosovo declared her independence - Hashim Thaci, a former guerrilla leader is now prime minister of a new state - much to the dismay of Serbia and Russia. Well, I do hope Serbia won't lash out (again) as it did against Bosnia and Croatia. I do hope they have learnt not to be cruel again.

Fidel Castro has finally resigned as President of Cuba. Years of rhetoric, assassination attempts and bitter words from the United States did not waver this man's resolve in his beliefs. But at last, the 'old enemy' is really getting old and is no longer able to fight the 'oppressors'. Regardless of what the West might say, I think Castro will be remembered for standing up against the imperialist West, not only by socialists and communists but ordinary people whose countries are now 'killing fields' compliments of the greatest democracy in the world!

Over to you Chavez ...!

Pakistan long awaited election closed their polling stations today and the opposition is set to form a government. There's still deals to be made though but nonetheless, a change is expected not only by Pakistanis but also by the rest of the World! Pevez Musharaf will face a tough time hanging on but who knows what will happen. You can never read the minds of the politicians - power and compromise are not two separate things in politics. Once again, there will be changes - one way or another!

And what about Malaysia? ... first of all, where is Malaysia? For those who never had any geography in their school curriculum or thought south-east asia is Vietnam, please see map below. You can get there easily - really!

Well, March 8, 2008 will see the 12th General Election for Malaysia. The 'people' are itching for some changes. Will that ever happen? We shall see that on the nite of March 8. You see, itching is one thing but going all out to scratch the itch is another. Some will say don't scratch because it will only spread the germs. Others will say scratching will break the skin and cause infection. And so some people will not scratch an itch but instead they will put some medicated cream and hope the itch will disappear. Some say, the election is a foregone conclusion, the election day is just to rubber-stamp an already ready cabinet. But who will be the next Prime Minister - well lets pretend we don't know!

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