Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Hindu's March

In a few hours time, HINDRAF will garner their supporters and make their protest cum London-court-case support a reality. They will gather and shout slogans venting their steamed-up anger at SAMY, MIC, the Malaysian Goverment and the British Government. Street protest is the in-thing nowadays for Malaysian it seems. After all, the lawyers marched, BERSIH marched and why not HINDRAF? I suppose they had applied for permit and naturally no permit is forthcoming. The demonstration will go on nonetheless.

AP,BBC and Al-Jazeera will be there to record for media prosperity the true colors of the democracy Malaysian style. I'm sure most will be expecting the water cannon, baton charge and tear-gas will again make their show. After all, had not all this be brought in to disperse the crowd before?

Most then, will be quite disappointed! I think, this time round the demonstrators will have their way. Their representatives will have safe and clear passage to deliver their 'grouses' to the British Ambassador. There will be lots of noise and traffic congestions BUT there will be no violence from the police. I dont think the police will want to pick a fight with the Hindus. Fighting the Hindus could deteriorate the safety and security of everyone in the area and elsewhere quite rapidly. I dont think the security heads are going to risk that.

I mean if it were the Malays demonstrating then just a baton charge will make them run helter-skelter. After all, the Malays only talk but the dont dare do anything stupid like endangering themselves. Malays only talk of 'syahid' and 'jihad' and other sabre-rattling stuff but they actually have 'shrunken balls'. Also, the Police knows that whatever they do to the Malays, no one will dare reprimand them. This is after all, Tanah Melayu - there are no other power or country that's going to be angry or will threathen the Malaysian government if them harm the Malays. The government WAS elected by the Malays (well, by a good number of Malays that is) so they can do what they (the Government) likes to the Malays.

Harming other races, well that's a different thing all together. If they harm Indians or Hindus, they better watch out because mighty India can be quite angry if their fellow kins are hurt. The same goes for the Chinese, harming them might bring the wrath of China to bear upon the Malay-led government. Remember the video recording case of a girl being abused by the Malaysian police. A minister was sent out to China to apologise when it was thought the girl was of Chinese origin. Though it turned out the girl was Malay, the government has already shown that they were not ready to offend other races.

That's the one drawback of being 'sons of the earth' in Malaysia - you either tow the line or end-up taking on the might of the security forces. Harming the Malays is only expected if there's a need BUT public display of brute force towards other races even if they are Malaysian invites untold repercussions of unending duration. Hence, I say the Hindu's will have their way tomorrow! Just as they do during Thaipusam.

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