Sunday, November 25, 2007

We are all Malaysian after all!

I have to admit I was wrong early this morning when I predicted that the HINDRAF massing will get safe passage to the British High Commission. I really thought that Malaysian Police will refrain from reacting to the HINDRAF gathering. I must say that the Police showed that they have no favorites nor do they have qualms against certain races. Clearly, today's events have shown that we are all truly Malaysian - therefore subject to the same chemical laced water-cannon, tear gas and baton charge!

The Hindus/Indians in Malaysian today are just as Malaysian as the Malays in getting a a wallop from the riot police. The Chinese though have so far been spared the high -speed free-bath sessions. If I am not mistaken, the pig farmers gathering to prevent their farm from being demolished did not get the 'bathing' they rightly deserved as Malaysian. Either the police considers the pig farmers not yet Malaysians so as to deserve their 'drenching' or some 'triad' chief have already secured the safety of those farmers.

Anyway, today once again we see the little people making their say. And if the people upstairs be they Malay, Chinese or Indian leaders say that the little people are wrong then they will see more and more of these street protests. Maybe the tourism minister is thinking of making these demonstrations as the 'new attraction' for foreign visitors particularly those who are just starting out in the journalism arena. After all, where else in the world can you get soaked in chemical water and tear gas then gladly run up your 5 star hotels to deliver your 'real-life' drama yet non-life threatening situation across the globe?

Heck, if the government play their cards right, it can even negotiate with various political and NGO organisations to 'hire' them to provide 'street protest' at predetermined time and location! You see, when people in power think very lowly of th little people's grouses and pains they are but calling for confrontation that they would never believe possible. Little people when massed in numbers will eventually become strong - maybe not physically because no one can stand unmoved by the pressures of water cannon or a speeding bullet for that matter - but strong in their aspiration to want changes. And if the government is adamant that there is nothing wrong with the rising cost of living, cut in subsidies and rampant crimes and expecting the 'rakyat' to swallow every 'good' news that the government tells them, then we are in for a long weekend every weekend from now till election day. What good is it for the people if the country's is a net exporter or that the foreign reserves have double or Petronas can sell their oil at USD100 per barrel when all the people get is a lecture on how to spend less and be thrifty when what they now have is already insufficient!

The coming General Election will be something different I believe because previously it was always the opposition pitted against the government. This time it will be between those who wants to stay in power and those who want changes in the country. The reality is that the little people - Malays, Indian, Chinese and Orang Asli - no longer wish to be hoodwinked by politicians who have only themselves at heart.

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